2002 Budget






Starting Cash On Hand 1000 580,000 140,000 140,000
Investments (Tex Pool) 1020 1,000,000 2,106,000 2,250,000
    Beginning Fund Balance 2,390,000
Prev Ad Valorem Tax 4000 7,500 12,000 10,202 9,000
Ad Valorem Taxes 4005 2,101,713 2,341,802 2,106,490 2,590,000
Franchise Tax 4010 237,500 250,000 247,579 348,000
Sales Tax 4015 175,000 178,000 169,825 225,000
Traffic Fines/Bonds 4025 190,000 210,000 211,081 220,000
Bond Money Returned 4026 (7,500) (7,500) (7,410) (7,500)
Interest Income 4030 100,000 200,000 160,000 150,000
Building Permits 4035 135,000 162,250 162,250 155,000
Penalty/Interest 4040 17,000 16,000 16,258 14,000
Subd Street Lights 4045 30,500 34,000 33,417 38,000
EMS & Other Income 4055 50,000 54,000 58,184 50,000
Mixed Beverage Tax 4060 16,000 18,000 17,860 18,000
Metro (Traffic Mgt) 4070   175,000 185,000 150,000
Metro2 (Memorial) 4071     967927*
TOTAL INCOME 3,052,713 3,643,552 3,370,736 3,959,500
Village Fire Dept 5000* 767,479 724,918 767,400 812,692
Memorial Village Police 5005* 880,790 917,869 880,788 967,122
MVPD-Step 5006* 15,000 15,000 14,278 20,000
MVPD-Capital Project 5007 620,000 159,667 683,957 0
MVPD-Capital Fund 5008 21,000
Garbage Service 5015* 220,000 340,000 227,017 400,000
Street Lights City 5020* 14,000 16,000 12,352 18,000
Street Lights Subd 5025* 30,500 34,000 33,354 38,000
Street Maint. 5500 50,000 72,000 36,324 72,000
PW:Eq.Rent/Purchase 5510 5,000 12,000 3,654 12,000
Truck Mtce/Gas 5520 4,500 5,400 4,213 6,000
Traffic Light Maint 5530* 7,500 9,000 6,203 5,000
Landsca/Mow Contract 5540 18,000 19,800 17,791 19,800
Purch Traffic Signs 5550* 2,000 3,000 1,745 3,000
Landscapping 5560 20,000 20,000
Spec Street Resurface 5570 50,000 XXXXX 50,000 100,000
Drainage Maintenance 6000 50,000 60,000 34,800 60,000
Drainage: Memorial 6300 0 XXXXX
Memorial Drive:Resurface 6310 0 XXXXX
City Engineer (misc) 6502 2,000 1,500 1,500 36,000
Irrigatn Systm, Maint. 6420* 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Public Works/Salary 6500 0 XXXXX 0
Bldg Inspectors 6501 19,533 40,000 38,910 50,000
Urban Forester 6540 10,000 10,000 1,570 10,000
PW Contract Labor 6550* 1,000 12,000 800 12,000
Salaries 7000* 171,350 149,720 147,357 195,256
Tex.Mun.Retirement Fd 7025* 22,000 19,855 18,055 17,963
Payroll Taxes 7030* 17,500 13,909 16,895 14,644
Office Equipment 7040 2,000 7,000 1,059 7,000
Notices & Mailing 7045 3,500 12,000 3,125 12,000
City Hall Maintenance 7050 12,500 12,500 16,204 12,500 Shift F2 to
Office Supplies 7055 3,500 4,000 3,479 4,000 make notes
Telephone 7060 8,500 4,500 8,277 4,750
Office Machine Maint 7065 1,500 1,500 809 1,000
Tax Assses/Collector 7085* 28,000 28,000 28,107 29,500
Asoc Dues/Printd Mat 7090 4,000 4,500 4,224 4,500
Humane Officer 7095* 400 400 300 400
Insurance & Bonds 7105* 32,500 35,000 32,213 35,000
Election 7110* 1,000 1,000 609 1,000
Public Relations 7115 5,000 12,000 7,320 17,300
Auditor 7120 6,800 7,000 7,000
Litigation 7300 17,500 15,000 14,920 15,000
City Attorney 7310* 10,000 10,000 17,848 15,000
Court Salaries 8000* 47,289 53,878 53,681 54,000
Court off-duty Officer 8015* 3,000 3,000 2,851 3,000
Jury Duty Fees 8020* 100 100 90 200
Warrants Served 8025* 150 150 128 200
Court Supplies 8030* 2,500 2,500 2,069 2,500
Court Tx Pd to State 8045* 52,000 55,000 53,858 55,000
Misc & Contingency 8060 12,200 25,000 13,496 25,000
Storm Disaster Fund 8063 450,000 500,000 500,000
Capital Impr Reserve 8064 1,015,822 206,173
City Hall & Furniture 8065 500 500 500
   TOTAL EXPENSES 4,700,913 3,266,630 3,925,500  
Drainage: Memorial 6300 532,073 967,927
Memorial Drive:Resurface 6310 0